Monday, August 23, 2010

Thoughts on Missions

Last night at HighLight, Cora and Margo shared with us their experiences in the Philippines. They went for two weeks this summer, and brought back some very powerful pictures and stories of what God taught them on the island of Cebu. We also heard from the Benton Harbor missions team and learned what they discovered about God and life on that trip.

It is great to see young people serving God. As I keep telling our youth, they don't have to wait until they are adults to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. I have been impressed with the number of students we have serving in various ways already and am praying that God would continue to inspire and challenge our students to follow his calling into Kingdom service. Next summer at this time, I hope we are hearing stories from the missions trips 4 or 5 of our students went on, and that we keep hearing more and more stories every year of what God is doing in our students and through our students.

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